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[Strength Witness] Zhongshi was rated as A Grade A tax credit taxpayer in 2022

Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Tax Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation announced the 2022 tax credit assessment results, and Guangdong Zhongshi Metal Co., Ltd. was awarded the "2022 tax credit A-level taxpayer".


The tax credit rating is the rating of the tax credit of the taxpayer in a certain period based on the comprehensive information of the taxpayer in fulfilling the tax obligation. It is the most powerful recognition of the tax credit and ability of the enterprise by the national tax authority.


Zhongshi Company will continue to actively practice social responsibility, pay taxes according to law, establish business with integrity, and accumulate momentum for high-quality development of enterprises.

About Class A Taxpayers:


Class A taxpayer refers to a level assessed by the tax authority on the taxpayer's tax credit in a certain period, which is the higher level in the tax credit evaluation system.


Being rated as A level taxpayer indicates that the taxpayer has excellent performance in tax payment behavior, tax compliance ability, tax self-discipline awareness, tax risk management and other aspects, good credit status, and its tax record and credit evaluation are at a high level.




Tax credit rating:


According to the Measures for the Administration of Tax Payment Credit (Trial Implementation), the assessment of tax payment credit grade adopts the method of annual evaluation index score and direct grade judgment. The tax credit evaluation cycle is one tax year. At present, there are five tax credit levels: A, B, C, D and M

rate Evaluation standard
Level A The annual evaluation index is above 90 points
Level B The evaluation score is more than 70 and less than 90
Level C The evaluation score is more than 40 and less than 70
Level D Below 40 points or directly determine the grade
Level M The new enterprise has no revenue during the year and has a score of 70 or more
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